Things tagged 'national-cycle-network'

limited to the area of Epping Forest Transport Action Group:

2 issues found for 'national-cycle-network':

  • NCN Route 1 to Sun Street (CAP2018 scheme 9)

    Created by George Lund // 0 threads

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 9 proposes:

    Create a new segregated 5m wide shared use route for pedestrians and cyclists, E-W across Townmead Recreation Area, between Meridian Way (NCR1) and Orchard Gardens. Route continues along new signed quietway along Orchard Gardens, Town Mead Road and Fountain Place. Consider either a two way working of Silver Street for cyclists, with a new northbound cycle contraflow which would enable access to town centre at Leverton Way via an upgrade of the Zebra crossing to a Tiger crossing, or a route along Sewardstone Street, connecting with Quaker Lane. There could be an opportunity for this section of Quaker Lane/Leverton Way to become an improved public realm exercise.

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One thread found for 'national-cycle-network':

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