Things tagged 'cap-priority-1'

limited to the area of Epping Forest Transport Action Group:

2 issues found for 'cap-priority-1':

  • Brooker Road to Rochford Avenue and Roundhills (CAP2018 scheme 5)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan 2018 scheme 5 proposes:

    New signed quietway route between Abbey Mead Industrial Park, passing Tesco, to Honey Lane via residential roads. Quietway route follows residential roads of Brooker Road (giving access to Abbey Mead Industrial Park), Greenfield street, King George Road, Sewardstone Road (giving access to supermarket) and Denny Avenue. At its eastern extent, consideration should be given to converting* the existing footpath (PROW 211_109) between Denny Avenue and Elm Close to shared cycle use if possible (as a desk based study potential width issues would need to be addressed, both at Elm Close (land ownership issues) and at Denny Avenue (possibility to route through existing garage if property could be obtained), otherwise for this section, cyclists must dismount and continue on foot. Quietway route then continues along Elm Close, Larsen Drive, Rochford Avenue and Roundhills to Honey Lane. Consideration must be given to providing or upgrading to cycle friendly crossings outside of Tesco at Sewardstone Road.

    This seems to be a crucial route connecting homes, employment, shopping and schools. The crossings are crucial to making it useful and safe, but if the footpath could not be incorporated then an alternative route would be necessary.

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  • Meridian Way (NCN1) to Abbey View (CAP2018 scheme 10)

    Created by George Lund // 1 thread

    Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan (2018) scheme 10 proposes:

    Extend existing cycle route that currently terminates at Leaview with a new on-road signed quietway along Leaview and Powdermill Lane. Continue route with a new off-road cycle track parallel with and to the north of Abbeyview. New toucan crossing of Abbeyview to be provided to enable link to potential scheme 13.

    This seems like a particularly important link and would connect with Scheme 20, which proposes to upgrade existing pelican crossings
    to toucans at A121/ Beaulieu Drive junction and upgrade existing zebra crossing to a tiger crossing west of Abbeyview Roundabout.

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One thread found for 'cap-priority-1':

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