Honey Lane - Leverton Schools to Roundhills (CAP2018 scheme 8)

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Added by George Lund

Epping Forest Cycling Action Plan 2018 scheme 8 proposes:

New on-road advisory cycle lane (may involve removing centre line and kerbside parking) between Roundhills and Leverton Schools, enabling potential scheme 5 to be connected to potential schemes 6 and 18. As Sustrans recommends physical segregation in this section due to high speeds traffic management will need to be implemented to reduce traffic speeds in order for an advisory lane to be satisfactory. There could be an option to cut the corner of Farm Hill Road and Honey Lane through the current access for the Play Area which would require a new bridge over Cobbin’s Brook and a new off-road cycle track alongside the War Memorial.

EFTAG is skeptical that speed reduction will be enough to make an unsegregated scheme feel safe. Mandatory lanes with wands would take up the same road space as the proposed advisory lanes.



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